On Saturday we attended the
Cayucos Sea Glass Festival. It was a beautiful day. The festival was held at the Vet's Hall right by the pier. We arrived shortly after the festival opened and stood in line for a few minutes to get in. Just after we paid our $2 they announced that they would have to stop letting people in for a time because there were too many people inside. It was very clear when we got inside that it was indeed full! There were so many people that it was hard to look and see what the vendors had for sale. The vendors brought all of their sea glass creations, mostly jewelry. Due to the amount of people there was no opportunity to take any pictures. So to supplement this post I decided to take some pictures of some of my own sea glass collection.
I think all of this glass and the other treasures were collected from our favorite local "glass beach." We always find really nice well-rounded pieces at this beach.
I'm sure the organizers learned a lot putting on the first Cayucos Sea Glass Festival, and I hope next year is better because the crowds in the small building were a little overwhelming. By the amount of people alone, I think it was a success for Cayucos.